
Heaven Direct Music Catalogue is a powerful Christian Faith resource of songs and hymns. These are songs and hymns that are skilfully crafted but utmostly they are inspired and visionary. (Ephesians 1:13-14). We live empowered by heavenly realities that one day we will fully experience face to face.

The Catalogue contains songs for Christmas, Easter, Renewal, Revival, Praise, Salvation, Worship, Contemplation, Encouragement and more. Songs from the Catalogue are published in other song and hymn book collections including Christian Aid’s, Hunger for Justice and First Fruits from Canterbury Press. They have been sung in seminars across the United Kingdom and include the Tavener Centre, Winchester, the Millennium Centre, Cardiff and the Carmarthen conference of the Hymn Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Heaven Direct Music songs can also be heard on radio and have been played on BBC World Service and Torch Trust’s Reflections.

You can hear the songs sung in churches, concert venues, find them reprinted in a hymn selection for a celebration service, or even catch them tumbling from the mouths of an enthusiastic youth group!

Heaven Direct Music invites you to explore its resources and to discover songs and hymns that will enrich and empower your daily living.

All songs are by composer Ruthie Thomas. 


“Whether for solo singing, music group or congregational participation this is a collection for everyone. Each item presents an opportunity for imagination and improvisation. It is a collection to be sung and enjoyed from the heart.”


“A varied, innovative collection that does not necessarily fit any single category.”